Minimally-Invasive Body Contouring:
For patients seeking body contouring results with only one treatment and more immediately noticeable fat reduction, minimally-invasive liposuction procedures are performed right in the comfort and convenience of the office using tumescent anesthesia, avoiding the side effects and cost of general anesthesia. Many different “brands” of in-office liposuction have been introduced to the fat reduction market, using different types of energy, such as laser, ultrasound, radiofrequency, etc. to melt and destroy fat cells. Premier Vein & Body is the only Kansas City area practice that offers all three energy options available for liposuction: laser, ultrasound and the newest generation, vibration-assisted. No matter which energy source is utilized, Dr. Craig Schwartz meticulously designs every detail as he removes unwanted fat to improve the contour of your body!
- Laser Lipo: Laser thermal energy ruptures fat cells, which are then gently suctioned away and drained from the body, resulting in lost inches and a more slender body contour.
- Tickle Lipo: Vibration-Assisted Liposuction’s energy breaks down fat while keeping the connective tissue intact. The liquefied fat is then drained from the body by being gently sucked away. As this form of liposuction does not use any type of heat as its energy source, there is no chance of skin burn or injury, as there can be with laser and ultrasound technology. Patients that did not previously qualify for outpatient lipo procedures (those within thirty pounds of ideal body weight) now can have larger volumes of fat evacuated.
- Vaserlipo: Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction uses ultrasonic energy to “melt” fat in a specific area, which is then emulsified, making its removal much easier. It is a perfect form of liposuction for hard-to-treat areas such as the chin, neck, cheeks, knees, calves and ankles, as well as denser pockets or larger volumes of fat.
Minimally-Invasive Body Contouring (Liposuction) Results:
Although there are many benefits to utilizing in-office liposuction procedures to obtain your body contouring goals, such as only one treatment being needed, most patients consider the best benefit to be that of more immediate noticeable results. Although patients will experience some swelling for the first several weeks, some fat reduction and body contouring results are immediately noticeable, with full results seen in 3-6 months post-procedure. Unlike non-surgical body contouring options, in-office liposuction does require that patients wear compression garments for a period of time after the procedure, and does involve a lengthier recovery time with some pain, bruising and swelling.