Natural Breast Augmentation Through Fat Transfer

Enhance your breast volume with your own fat for results that look and feel natural. 

What is Natural Breast Augmentation Through Fat Transfer?

You might think that achieving fuller breasts requires implants. However, you have a completely natural, implant-free option for adding volume. Natural breast augmentation through fat transfer enhances your breasts using your own purified fat. Dr. Craig Schwartz uses BeautiFill™, a technology for harvesting and preparing the highest-quality fat cells to achieve your best results.

You may choose natural breast augmentation for many reasons. For example, you may prefer to avoid the problems associated with implants. Unlike implants, fat transfer breast augmentation will not require future procedures and can never rupture or leak. While you can always choose to add more volume, your results from this procedure can last a lifetime without maintenance. 

Am I a Candidate for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Since fat transfer breast augmentation is minimally invasive and is not performed under general anesthesia, it is safe for most people. Dr. Schwartz will assess each potential candidate, including a full health history and a discussion of expectations. You may not be a good candidate if you have very little body fat since the procedure requires harvesting adequate body fat to enhance your breasts. 

How Does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Work?

Using just local tumescent anesthesia, with mild oral sedation, a natural breast augmentation begins with Dr. Schwartz using BeautiFill™ to gently extract fat cells from the donor area. Popular donor areas for fat grafting include the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and hips. The BeautiFill™ laser then isolates the healthiest fat cells for transfer to the breasts. 

After harvesting and preparing the fat cells, Dr. Schwartz precisely injects them into your breasts. Since BeautiFill™ has selected only the best cells, they will quickly establish themselves in their new location. These cells make themselves at home and will remain in place for a lifetime. The process of new fat cells settling into their new location is called grafting, and a good surgical technique can ensure that most of these cells will successfully establish themselves. As compared to older types of fat transfer, BeautiFill™ increases the viability of the harvested fat to 90-95%.

Consultations Available Now

To learn more, schedule your consultation with Dr. Schwartz by filling out the form on this page or by calling his practice at
(913) 451-8346. Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz serves patients throughout the Kansas City metro.

What Results Will I See With Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Many women are surprised to learn how much enhancement you can get from natural breast augmentation. This procedure can increase your breasts by one to possibly two cup sizes, a substantial improvement. BeautiFill™ fat grafting can also be used for a Brazilian Butt Lift or facial fat transfer.

You may benefit from breast implants if you desire a larger increase or have low body fat.  While your results will be noticeable immediately, your breasts may change slightly over the next few months as your fat settles. Our BeautiFill™ liposuction-fat transfer procedure in Kansas City is now the ultimate breast volume replacement method because it’s natural and permanent with no risk of Breast Implant Illness or triggering an auto-immune response. 

What is Recovery Like From Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Recovery time after natural breast augmentation through fat transfer is minimal. BeautiFill™ requires only a few tiny incisions and removes fat so gently that you will have very little swelling, bruising, or discomfort. Depending on where in the body the fat is harvested from and how much is obtained, most people can return to work and routine activities within just a few days and exercise and more physical activities within a week. Dr. Schwartz will provide detailed instructions for the days following your procedure to ensure your best results.


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