It is estimated that over half of adult females and nearly half of adult men suffer from some sort of vein problem, including spider veins. Pesky and unattractive, spider veins are truly cosmetic in nature, even though they can frequently be symptomatic, and oftentimes suggestive of deeper issues. They appear as thread-like red, blue, or purplish veins and are commonly found on calves, thighs and ankles, and sometimes occur in clusters. They form from high pressure in the venous system, which, in turn, forces the thin-walled veins to expand. These engorged capillaries then expand to several times their normal size, causing spider veins.
The good news is that spider veins are easily treated in the comfort and convenience of our beautiful Kansas City office. Reasonable clearance typically requires three to five sessions spaced about four to six weeks apart. At Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz, Kansas City’s Original Vein Center, Dr. Craig Schwartz utilizes a combination of sclerotherapy injections along with topical laser treatment for the most effective and complete removal of spider veins