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What is Liquid Liposuction?

If you have stubborn pockets of fat around your stomach, hips, thighs and other parts of your body even though you live a healthy lifestyle, then you are probably researching your options on the web. And if you are researching your options for fat reduction on the web, then chances are that you’ve come across a treatment currently being marketed by many med spas and cosmetic centers as “Liquid Liposuction.”  One med spa advertised it as “one of the greatest liposuction techniques on the market today”. But what, exactly, is “Liquid Lipo”?

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*Individual Results May Vary

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Liquid Liposuction – Stop the Madness!

Liquid lipo seems to be a hot, new buzz word in the world of cosmetic fat reduction and a search for it turns up a number of results by multiple types of providers in a multitude of ways, including:

Topical Gel:

Used by any type of office, spa, clinic, or maybe even just from the gas station.  Not liposuction. 

Oral Spray:

Using natural supplements.  Again, not liposuction.

Injection Treatments:

Similar to the LipoDissolve treatment that was briefly popular 15 years ago and resulted in numerous lawsuits, anything similar to this treatment will involve lumpiness, pain, multiple repeat treatments with a huge number of injections, variable results, and so on. This treatment provided temporary, unpredictable results at best – not the permanent elimination of unwanted pockets of fat.

Consultations Available Now

To learn more, schedule your consultation with Dr. Schwartz by filling out the form on this page or by calling his practice at 913-451-8346. Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz serves patients throughout the Kansas City metro.

Marketing Term for Standard Tumescent Liposuction:

Some reputable physicians are using this term in reference to what we call “tumescent liposuction”, which can be performed with a multitude of energy sources by a number of different brand names (ie. Tickle Lipo, Smart Lipo, etc., Laser Lipo, etc.), which revolutionized the field of Liposuction in the last 10-15 years.

Water Assisted Liposuction (Body-Jet, Liposoft, Aqua Lipo):

We’ve also found Liquid Lipo search results for a few tumescent liposuction procedures that use a pressurized stream of water to dislodge and remove fat cells.  “Brand names” include   Body-Jet, Liposoft or Aqua Lipo. This is basically just another variation of an energy type (laser, ultrasound, radiofrequency, vibration) that improves the technique over “old-time”, standard liposuction, which was much more traumatic to the body with a much longer period of downtime and less predictable results.  This is not “revolutionary” or “faster, better, safer or more comfortable with less downtime” than any other tumescent liposuction procedure.  The basis for this technology is the continuous spraying of anesthetic fluid into the treatment area. Initially, a higher potency of anesthetic fluid is sprayed in a pulsatile fashion into the tissue. Once the areas to be treated are anesthetized, the potency of the spray is reduced and spraying continues while suction is also applied. The theory is the spray helps to dissect the fat off of supporting structures thereby making it easier to remove the fat. 

And unlike the tumescent liposuction procedures that use an energy source such as ultrasound, laser or vibration, there is no skin tightening or collagen building component to the procedure.  In reality, the constant spray of fluid creates very wet, soggy tissues that are very hard to evaluate for thoroughness of fat removal. Furthermore, when assessing the amount of fat that is removed with this procedure, the results are disappointing. Body-Jet consistently removes less fat than all other methods. In some cases, Water-Assisted Liposuction may provide a medical solution to some conditions – such as improving Lipoedema – a condition that causes abnormal fat distribution, leading to painful swelling. the types completely 

Good Candidates for Tumescent Liposuction

Patients who are bothered by stubborn pockets of fat that won’t seem to disappear despite a healthy diet and regular exercise routine can see great results from in-office liposuction, but do not fall for gimmicks, such as “Liquid Lipo.”  There are a number of “brands” or “types” (ie: Laser Lipo, Tickle Lipo, Smart Lipo) of tumescent liposuction, which are all performed in the comfort and convenience of a cosmetic surgeon’s office using local tumescent anesthesia, and the experience and skill of the practitioner is the most important consideration!  


*Individual Results May Vary


Read from real patients about their experiences with Dr. Schwartz and his team at Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz.

Take the Next Step

If you’ve been researching liposuction options, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Craig Schwartz – one of Kansas City’s most experienced providers of tumescent liposuction using a multitude of energy sources, at (913) 451-8346 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to meeting you and showing you how Kansas City’s premier cosmetic laser center can help you eliminate unwanted fat!

Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz is located in Kansas City, MO and proudly also serves Overland Park, Johnson County, and the entire Kansas City metro area.

* This blog provides general information and discussion about medicine, health and related subjects.  The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately licensed physician.

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