If you’ve been researching varicose vein treatments or have heard that you need to undergo a procedure called “vein stripping”, it’s important to remember that saying: “Don’t believe everything you hear!”
What Is Vein Stripping?
You might be surprised to learn that many vein doctors and hospitals today still practice vein stripping! If you’re visiting a vein specialist and they mention vein stripping as a treatment option for you, this is a pretty clear indicator their treatment methods are outdated and this should raise a red flag!
Vein stripping is an extremely outdated procedure that is essentially major surgery, requiring not only a hospital stay but also undergoing general or regional anesthesia. Recovery time for vein stripping can mean weeks or sometimes months off your feet, instead of just a few days, which is the typical recovery time for our state-of-the-art varicose vein treatments that require no major surgery and can be completed in the comfort of our beautiful office.