Does SculpSure Work in Reducing Fat?
SculpSure® is a non-surgical laser body contouring treatment used to eliminate fat cells and give you a slimmer appearance. Using a Diode laser, SculpSure® is a breakthrough development in the area of body contouring that utilizes controlled, light-based (laser) technology to precisely target and remove stubborn fat cells under the skin.
SculpSure is FDA-Cleared to Remove Stubborn Fat
The 25 minute SculpSure procedure is FDA-cleared to reduce stubborn fat in the following areas:
- Abdomen
- Flanks/Love Handles
- Double Chin
- Inner-Outer Thighs
- Back
Doctors and Patients Prefer SculpSure
SculpSure’s patented, breakthrough technology utilizes a selective wavelength laser that precisely destroys fat cells under the skin, raising the temperature of body fat to disrupt and break down those subcutaneous fat cells, which are then naturally disposed over time. SculpSure quickly became the preferred non-surgical body contouring treatment for both doctors and patients since its entrance into the non-surgical body contouring market in 2015 for many reasons:
- 25 minute procedure
- Removes up to 24% of fat cells in treated area, per session
- Maximum versatility, offering physicians ability to customize treatment
- Multiple areas may be treated at once, depending on size of areas
- Gentler fat reduction treatment with no downtime and less discomfort than top competing body contouring treatment
- Tightens skin while also reducing fat