Whether you deal with the occasional breakout or treatment-resistant cystic acne, you have been stuck with limited treatment options until now. AviClear™ offers long-lasting relief from troublesome acne with no medications. This highly effective treatment tackles the root cause of acne to lessen the frequency and severity of breakouts or even stop them entirely.
What is Acne?
Your facial skin is covered with pores that contain sebaceous glands. These glands secrete an oily material called sebum. Acne is a general term for blackheads, whiteheads, and other blemishes resulting from clogged pores. This sebum mixes with dead skin cells, environmental debris, and bacteria to produce blemishes. Whiteheads occur when the material has not been exposed to the air, while blackheads develop if the pore-clogging oil is exposed to oxygen. Inflamed or cystic acne often results from the activity of bacteria.