Dr. Craig Schwartz, a triple-board certified surgeon specializing in cosmetic laser procedures, performs all of his liposuction and body contouring procedures in the comfort and convenience of his Kansas City cosmetic practice using local tumescent anesthesia and procedures that provide patients with a gentler, yet effective, alternative to traditional liposuction procedures performed under general anesthesia in a hospital or surgery center.
Popular Areas of the Body Where Liposuction Can Effectively Remove Fat
There are many reasons people gain belly fat, including poor diet, pregnancy, genetics and lack of exercise, and while pockets of stomach fat, including the muffin top, is often resistant to diet and exercise, liposuction offers many patients a real option to reshape and remove tummy fat. It’s important to note that liposuction does not remove excess skin, as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) does, so it is not an ideal procedure if you have lots of excess skin. We can, however, add on our Renuvion Skin Tightening procedure for the smoothest, tightest results.
Hips and Flanks
The flanks, often called the “love handles,” are extremely common areas for liposuction. Due to genetics, for many patients, getting rid of love handles and achieving the contours they desire via diet and exercise alone can be almost impossible. Liposuction can help patients reduce fat in this specific area with great results!
There are three distinct sections of your thighs that can benefit from liposuction, and they are sometimes treated together and sometimes treated alone. The anterior thigh – or the “banana roll” is often treated to give the buttocks a more defined, shaped appearance. Removing fat on the outer thighs, or “saddlebags”, can enhance the patient’s overall leg shape. And gaining the most popular in recent years due to the desired “thigh gap”, the inner thighs can also be contoured using liposuction.
Upper Arms
The “batwings” plague many women as they age. Even if you’re not overweight, it is possible to have jiggly arms due to lack of muscle tone. Liposuction can help smooth and tighten the area for firmer, more youthful looking arms. This is another area that often benefits from the added treatment of Renuvion Skin Tightening to additionally tighten the skin in the treated area.
Chin and Neck
As gravity sets in and bits of extra fat accumulate, the face is one of the first areas to noticeably show their age. Small liposuction procedures can trim and contour the chin, neck and jaw for a more youthful appearance.
While shapely buttocks are often desirable, having too much excess fat can make your clothes ill-fitting and your figure look disproportionate. Liposuction can reduce the size and bulk of this area, along with providing nice symmetry and smoothness.
It’s important to mention that liposuction is not a weight-loss mechanism and patients with the best results are usually within their recommended target weight for their age/height. It also produces the best results on patients with fairly good skin tone and elasticity, although a Renuvjon Skin Tightening treatment can be added on to provide additional toning and tightening in the treated area(s).