Recovering From Broadband Laser Therapy
Due to the fact that broadband laser therapy is non-invasive, there is virtually no downtime. You can return to work and your daily responsibilities right after a session. Although you may experience some side effects such as redness or skin darkening, they should fade away within a few hours. As your skin heals, you’ll enjoy a smoother, more even complexion. For optimal results, we recommend multiple treatments that are spaced a few weeks apart.
Good Candidates for Broadband Laser Therapy
If you are in good health yet concerned about sun damage on your face, this is a great treatment. The Forever Young BBL laser can help you minimize the appearance of sunspots, freckles, fine lines, enlarged pores, and other imperfections. This treatment works best on light-skinned patients who don’t tan. Unfortunately, we do not recommend it to anyone with a darker skin tone.