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How Does the PicoSure Focus Laser Facial Compare to Fraxel Skin Resurfacing?

Our mothers weren’t so lucky; today’s generation of aging adults will be able to avoid face-lifts and painful, ablative CO2 laser treatment thanks to accessible, preventative care with a non-ablative, fractional laser treatment that continues to improve with better results and less (to no!) downtime.

About Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing technology brought an exciting development into the cosmetic medicine industry, allowing physicians to improve the tone, texture and pigmentation of the skin, which utilized very high heat to “melt away” old and wrinkly skin.  The phenomenal results produced by this aggressive ablative laser treatment made it one of the most requested non-surgical cosmetic treatments for the next 10 years.   However, a significant drawback to this laser skin resurfacing was the downtime of 1-2 weeks, requiring vacation from work and from wearing make-up, socializing and exposure to the sun.  Ablative resurfacing also provided for rather drastic improvements with the skin, and some patients preferred a more gradual approach to anti-aging.

Before & After Photo Gallery

*Individual Results May Vary

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Benefits of Skin Resurfacing

Fast forward several years to the development of non-ablative lasers, as well as fractional and non-fractional lasers. Non-fractional lasers act on the entire projected surface area of the treated skin, whereas fractional lasers target an equally distributed portion of the projected area.   For patients seeking more moderate improvement with hyperpigmentation, scars, and wrinkles, without the downtime and side effects of ablative lasers, non-ablative laser treatment offered a very doable solution.

With the introduction of Fraxel – the first fractional laser – in 2005, patients now had access to the best of the gentle and safe aspects of both fractional and non-ablative technologies.  Treatment for mild to moderate wrinkles, acne scarring, and hyperpigmentation/brown spots due to sun damage and aging was now available without the weeks of downtime required with ablative lasers.  Although more gentle than the ablative treatments of previous years, treatment still required a moderate amount of downtime with correspondingly moderate results.  Patients found Fraxel treatments to be painful, and although they did gradually improve facial scarring, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and tone, 2-3 days of downtime was still involved.

Consultations Available Now

To learn more, schedule your consultation with Dr. Schwartz by filling out the form on this page or by calling his practice at 913-451-8346. Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz serves patients throughout the Kansas City metro.

PicoSure VS Fraxel for Skin Resurfacing

The newest advancement in the field of non-ablative, fractional skin rejuvenation is the FDA-cleared PicoSure Focus Laser Facial – now available in Kansas City at Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz.  The PicoSure laser (the world’s first picosecond laser) delivers laser energy in ultra-short pulses, producing an outstanding effect on the skin by removing excessive pigmentation, erasing fine lines, wrinkles and acne scarring, shrinking pores, while stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin.  The most remarkable advantage of the PicoSure Focus laser facial is the non-thermal effect (no significant heat) on the skin, which provides a truly gentle treatment.  Unlike Fraxel and other fractional laser treatments, there is no need for anesthesia prior to the treatment, although we do provide patients with a topical numbing cream prior to treatment.  And because there is only mild redness for less than an hour and no significant swelling, this is truly a NO DOWNTIME LASER SKIN TREATMENT.   Although a series of 3 laser treatments is recommended for optimal results, patients will notice some improvements after the first PicoSure treatment:

  • Lightened age spots
  • Wrinkles and fine lines smoothed
  • Skin texture and tone improved
  • Acne scarring faded (after 2-3 treatments)
  • Skin that glows!

PicoSure is becoming the gold standard in facial rejuvenation and replacing Fraxel laser resurfacing for so many reasons!

  • Ultra-fast treatment (20 minutes max)
  • NO downtime
  • Safe for ALL skin types (Fitzpatrick I – VI)
  • Proven to treat Melasma


*Individual Results May Vary


Read from real patients about their experiences with Dr. Schwartz and his team at Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz.

Take the Next Step

To learn more about PicoSure Focus for facial rejuvenation contact Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz by calling (913) 451-8346 or filling out the form on this page. Premier Vein & Body by Schwartz serves Kansas CityLeawoodand Overland Park. 

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